

How do we make sense of faith in today’s world? The apostle Paul’s letter to the Romans provides deep insights into spiritual growth, salvation, and unity among believers. Drawing from recent sermons, this post explores two core themes: the message of the gospel in Romans and the provocative question of whether atheism truly exists.


Introduction to Romans: A Gospel That Transforms


In his epistle to the Romans (Romans 1:1-17), Paul offers more than a path to personal salvation—he presents a framework for spiritual growth. As Michael Bird explains, Romans is a “gospelizing” book, meaning every part of life should be saturated with the gospel, resulting in joy, peace, obedience, and righteousness.


The gospel, according to Paul, is not just good news—it transforms. From changing the lives of figures like John Wesley and Martin Luther to shaping the early Roman church, the gospel continues to impact individuals and communities.


But Romans is also about unity. When Paul wrote the letter around AD 57-58, tensions between Jewish and Gentile believers were high, following the return of expelled Jews to Rome. Through this letter, Paul aimed to unify a fractured church and prepare them to fulfill their mission. He reminds believers that the power of the gospel lies not in their cultural identity but in the message of Christ, which transcends all boundaries.


The Power of the Gospel: No Shame in Sharing the Truth


Paul boldly declares in Romans 1:16, “I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes.” Despite the gospel’s humble origins—centered on a crucified carpenter from Nazareth—it carries unparalleled power. Even in proud and powerful Rome, the gospel could bring transformation where philosophy and politics failed.


The same message applies today. We may feel hesitant to share our faith in environments that appear hostile to the gospel. But like Paul, we must recognize that the message we carry is not from man—it is from God. This gospel has the power to save, restore, and unite all who believe


Does Atheism Exist? Unpacking Romans 1:18-32


A significant question raised in a recent sermon was: Can atheism truly exist? The apostle Paul argues that knowledge of God is evident to all people through creation and conscience. Yet, many suppress this truth. As Sinclair Ferguson recounts, even when Romans 1:18-32 was distributed anonymously on a university campus, its message provoked strong reactions, illustrating how people resist God’s truth.


Paul describes the downward spiral that occurs when people reject God. This process begins with the suppression of truth, leading to idolatry and moral decay. If people do not worship the true God, they will inevitably worship something else—whether it be wealth, status, or personal ambition. In our modern world, idolatry takes many forms, from career obsession to the pursuit of fame.


The heart of the matter is that atheism is not the absence of belief in God, but the refusal to acknowledge the Creator. As Romans 1:20 states, “For since the creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen.” Paul insists that everyone knows God on some level, but many choose to suppress that knowledge..


Reflection Questions


How has the gospel transformed your life?

In what ways do you see modern society suppressing the truth of God’s existence?

What “idols” in your life could be distracting you from worshiping the true God?

How can we boldly share the gospel, even when it seems unpopular?




Faith is not just a personal journey—it is a mission to transform lives and unite believers. Whether exploring the deep truths in Romans or addressing challenging questions like atheism, these sermons remind us that the gospel holds the power to change everything. As Paul urged the early church, let us embrace this good news and live it out boldly in our daily lives.